Ushering is essential in providing a welcome and safe environment for members and visitors attending Traditional and Contemporary worship services and special events. Ushers answer questions, distribute bulletins, assist with seating, collect offerings, support distribution of the sacraments, and monitor areas in case special assistance is required. Ushers arrive early before the scheduled worship service or event and receive their assignment from a designated Head Usher. As an Usher Volunteer, you play a vital role in serving Christ and service to the church.


At ALC, an Acolyte is responsible for lighting the candles and assisting with the offering during Traditional worship services. Historically the position of Acolyte has been filled by youth in the 4th through the 12th grades. Acolyting gives young people a chance to experience service to others, service to the church, and service to Christ.


Camera operators are needed to video record worship services weekly in the Sanctuary. Please contact the church office if you are available to help.

Audio/Visual tech positions including slide operators are available for Sunday Contemporary services in the Fellowship Hall, at both 9:00 and 10:30 AM. Great learning opportunity, with training provided! Contact Larry Lee in the church office.


Searching for individuals with availability on Monday mornings to be part of one of the three Counting Teams responsible for counting ALC’s weekly offerings and monetary deposits. Teams are scheduled on a rotating basis. Finance or cash-handling experience is preferred but not required. Contact in the church office to get the contact information for the Council Coordinator of Finance and Budget.


Childcare for Sundays and different ministries throughout the week are always needed. Contact the office to see where you could help in the childcare program.



The Communion Assistant helps to distribute the bread and wine/grape juice during the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during the worship service.  Communion is offered twice monthly at American Lutheran Church.  Commitment is as often or as little as desired after being trained for the position.  It is a wonderful and important way to serve. 
Contact in the church office to get the contact information for the Council Coordinator of Worship.



Communion is offered twice monthly at American Lutheran, and Altar Guild is responsible for preparing sufficient wine, grape juice and wafers; placing the linens and vessels on the altars for the contemporary and traditional worship services; and then cleaning up after services on Sunday. We work in teams of two or three. And we provide training! The commitment is easy, the fellowship is fun and the work is important. 


The Sunday Community Meal is served for local homeless/low-income community residents on Sundays at 1:30 PM in the downstairs Youth Center. Coordinated by Becky Shields and Carol Lake, the Sunday Community Meal needs weekly volunteers to greet guests, cook, serve, set up/clean up, provide security, and be part of the Prayer Team available to meal participants. Contact the church office at 928-445-4348 for more information, or to sign up for helping during the week(s) of your choice.


This ministry's goal is to provide information to our new members so that they can familiarize themselves with American Lutheran Church and become involved in the church ministries. Contact the Council Coordinator of Membership and Growth through the church office.
Duties of a New Member Sponsor include:

  • Praying for those you are sponsoring;

  • Reviewing the list of opportunities at American Lutheran Church and answering any questions that the new member may have;

  • Introducing new members to the contact for a specific program or ministry if there is an interest; 

  • Making a one-year commitment.